Our producers

Children Nepal

Dolls and Toys

Children nepal

…one of the challenges of Fair Trade is to find products that people here in the UK want to buy in sufficient quantities to make it worthwhile for the producer groups to make…

Dolls and toys

Dilly came to pick me up from seeing WSDO on his scooter, which must be the nicest way of getting around in the rural areas. After about fifteen minutes we arrived at the workshops and offices of Children Nepal.

It was so lovely to see everyone again as the last time I visited them was in 2012 and Laksmi gave me a big hug. I had quite a long chat with Ram, the director, about their plans for the future.

Children Nepal are a brilliant organisation who campaign for children’s rights, provide employment to marginalised women so they can better support their children and generally support children’s wellbeing.

One really practical example of this is that they have a computer room where the poorer local kids can catch up on their skills because this is an area where they can fall behind very quickly.

Last time I bought some animal measurement charts – these are really charming cotton zebras and giraffes, which you can hang on the wall and use to see how tall your child is.

Their asleep/awake dolls have sold well and these are rather ingenious – each end of the doll has a head, one end has an awake face and the other end an asleep face.

As the doll has a long dress so that one of the faces is covered, the child can do good imaginative play. We have also done some aprons with appliqué detail, which you can see on our Facebook page and will be on this website shortly. So, if you know who likes cooking, this could be the perfect present.

One of the challenges of Fair Trade is to find products that people here in the UK want to buy in sufficient quantities to make it worthwhile for the producer groups to make. I suggested we try some little girls’ dresses with some appliqué detail so watch this space!

This group are great at making things for children so if any school here would like to link with them to buy things for theatre productions such as puppets etc or cloth bags for keeping PE kit etc in, please get in touch. Thank you Children Nepal for being wonderfully warm, generous and supportive people.

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